Parent's Night Out
Parent’s enjoy a night out and leave your kids with us! Parent’s Night Out is Friday, February 21 from 5:30 - 8:30 PM.
Parent’s enjoy a night out and leave your kids with us! Parent’s Night Out is Friday, February 21 from 5:30 - 8:30 PM.
We are looking forward to serving our community at more than 20 sites! Please register to join us
Most couples do not know “how” to be married. Adventures in Marriage helps couples discover better ways to MEET NEEDS, COMMUNICATE, RESOLVE CONFLICT, EXPRESS ANGER, AVOID DIRTY FIGHTING and understand how their personality styles impact relationships for better or worse. Fun, practical, and easy to learn, Adventures in Marriage is appropriate for couples at ANY age or stage.
The marriage communication program is designed to reach couples across the spectrum – from happy and highly motivated to struggling and highly stressed. Adventures in Marriage incorporates the latest research to provide specific, practical skills for a SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE. According to a recent study by FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY, Adventures in Marriage is one of the most effective marriage programs IN AMERICA. Come learn how to create the marriage you have always wanted with the spouse you already have! Engaged and married couples are welcome to attend!
Register now at
Childcare will be provided.
Are you looking to grow deeper in your relationship with God and your prayer life? Join us as we spend 21 days together as a church body in an intentional time of scripture reading, prayer and fasting. We will end the 21 days with a Worship Night on Sunday, January 26 at 6pm, we hope you’ll join us!
Did you enjoy the Freedom series and small group? Join us as we celebrate and end the series. We will gather Friday, November 15 from 6-8pm and Saturday, November 16 from 9am-12pm. Childcare will be available. Please register online!
Ladies of all ages are welcome to join us for our annual Women’s Bonfire! Please feel free to bring friends and register online!
Join us for Baptism on Sunday, October 20 after the last service. Register now!
October 12th @ 9AM at FSU Westside Courts
Free entry, raffle tickets for each game your team wins to win prizes, waters provided!!
Invite friends to come watch or register to play!! Open to all Experience College ministry students!
Parent’s enjoy a night out and leave your kids with us! Parent’s Night Out is Friday, October 11 from 5 - 8 PM.
Sunday, June 30th @ 8 PM
College service specifically for students 18-24! Come build community, worship, and hear a Gospel-centered message! Bring a friend or come and make a friend- we’d love to sit with you!
Parent’s, register your kids for our Parent’s Night Out! Drop your kids off from 5:30 - 8:30pm!
Welcome to Exp.Yth’s online registration for our Wild Adventures trip!
We’re so excited to host our annual youth trip to Wild Adventures Thursday, June 20th.
Drop off will be at the church at 9:00 A.M. and pick up will be at 7 P.M. We will have Youth Leaders carpooling students to and from Wild Adventures.
Registration cost is $50 per student and can be paid by cash or check (made out to Experience Church). We will be eating lunch and dinner at the park.
Students are to bring cash for both meals (~$30).
We will be bouncing between both the water park and the theme park rides throughout the day. We recommend that students wear a swimsuit under their clothes and change into them when they’re ready to go to the water park. We also recommend they bring towels to dry off!
Registration is for rising Middle Schoolers - High School.
If you are a parent and have multiple children, please register one at a time!
Next Steps is a series of classes designed to help you learn more about Experience Church and find the place you’re best suited to serve. The main focus of this two-week class is to familiarize you with our church’s mission and values, discover your spiritual gifts and personality, and choose where you’d like to serve on Sundays.
Stick around after service on the first two Sundays of the month to take your next step.
Next Steps is a series of classes designed to help you learn more about Experience Church and find the place you’re best suited to serve. The main focus of this two-week class is to familiarize you with our church’s mission and values, discover your spiritual gifts and personality, and choose where you’d like to serve on Sundays.
Stick around after service on the first two Sundays of the month to take your next step.